Avaleht » Shop » RIGGING & GRIP » Apple boxes » KUPO KAB-015 Apple Box Set
€ 143.12 € 174.61 (incl. VAT)
An apple box is one of the most useful pieces of equipment on a set! They are the ultimate multi-taskers and are used for propping up furniture and light stands, levelling camera dolly tracks or providing temporary seats, workbenches, or stepladders.
Kupo Apple boxes are made of high-quality birch plywood that is built for long-lasting use. This Set includes 1 of each size: Pancake 50 x 30 x 2.5cm, Quarter 50 x 30 x 5cm, Half 50 x 30 x 10cm and Full 50 x 30 x 20cm with a neutral wood color smooth finish. Each box has rounded-edge ergonomic hand and finger grips for easy handing. Internal supports are equipped in three larger size boxes for ensuring extra strength and dimensional stability.
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